[Note: This is part 3 of a 5 part series. When all five parts are published you will be able to find them at Talk To The System.
When we are learning the basics of tapping we are taught the more specific we can get the more effective the tapping is going to be. This is not only true for specific issues, but also specific parts of the system. I was inspired by the exercise I call “The Grounding Process” to look at each part of our system and tap for it.]
Our hearts are powerful. In a moment they can feel and release emotions that can overcome everything we are thinking and seemingly everything else in the world. I have tendency to live in one of two extremes. I am either so immersed in my emotions that I miss everything else or I try and block them out. I need to spend more time listening to my emotional self without losing touch with everything else.
Here is a simple way to tap for our emotional selves. Take a nice deep breath and tap:
It is ok to feel what you’re feeling…I want to hear what you have to say…I know every emotion is information about how I experience the world…I don’t need to fix or change any of my emotions…I am sorry that I don’t listen to you more….You don’t have to be stuck in the past…I hear the messages you have about the past…They have served their purpose…Thank you for helping to feel so deeply…It is not a bad thing to feel deeply…even when you feel things that aren’t always pleasant…thank you for helping me to experience the richness of life.
I need my emotions to inform the other parts of my system…Because my emotions have very important pieces of information about myself and about the world…I love the fact I can feel emotions…They give me a chance to enjoy a richness in this world…My emotions are very much about where I am this moment…It is good to be connected to this moment in that way…I love my heart…I love my emotions…Even if they get the best of me…I don’t need to fear my emotional self.
I asked a number of friends and fellow practitioners what they would like to say to their heart/emotional self. Take another deep breath and tap:
Know that it’s OK to love and to be vulnerable. Thank you for continuing to beat, in spite of it being broken, over and over again.
Keep open, in spite of the risk of being hurt. It’s where your joy, happiness and love comes from.
Keep alive by sharing it with others.
Lindsay KennyKnow when you are talking to me and that I am willing to listen. That I am really ready to be led by you. I am grateful and open to joy. That I know that it knows the way.
Rhona ClewsI love you
Pamela BrunerLiterally – You are strong. You know exactly how to keep pumping life through this beautiful body.
Metaphorically – You are beautiful and powerful and open. You are kind-hearted and know grace and graciousness, and aren’t afraid to use the power of love whenever and wherever you know it is appropriate.
Rev. Anne PresuelSeeking after joy and happiness is a good thing – not selfish.
Tammy EvevardYou are in charge. I trust your wisdom to guide me.
Thank you for being so expansive that we can weep together.
Your capacity for love astounds me. Thank you.
Your strength astounds me.
Deborah DonndelingerBe more emotionally honest with people. Have the courage to tell those in my life that I love them and how grateful I am that they are in my life.
Have courage to have me stand up for myself and my family when other people may not be treating us with kindness.
It is ok to be less afraid to express to the world how I feel. Don’t hide everything under an icy sheet of humor or indifference. Be willing to show love to those who support me and show conviction to those who would see me fail.
You have permission to stop being afraid to have emotions.”
John RoedelI forgive myself for forgetting that I have always been doing my best, that I have always been perfect exactly as I am, as a human with a spirit evolving through life. I give myself permission to let go – even if just for a few minutes – of the energy of “I should have done it better” and “I don’t think I deserve YET…” so I can remember that I deserve love, pleasure, peace and compassion right here and now. I gift myself the gift of compassion and wrap myself around my heart with a huge hug of accepting love.
Margaret M. Lynch
What are the things your emotional self needs to here? Click here to add your own thoughts and comments or read what others have to say. I would really love to hear what you think!
My current (based on what I’ve learned so far) belief is that all unhappiness & suffering past or present originate from lack/blocking of love, acceptance and forgiveness – for myself, God, others, etc. When I tap I often zero in on the heart area and say “I’m so sorry (for not hearing the message), please forgive me, thank you, I love you” a phrase I take no credit for – Hoʻoponopono.