[This article is by Catherine Poole. Catherine is a medical intuitive who has spent decades studying and teaching color theory. In this article she explores what each color represents when it comes to healing. At the end of this article there is a short audio which shows you how to combine color with EFT. Catherine is available for private reading (which can be done in phone sessions) and can be contacted at http://CatherinePoole.com/.
Teleclass with Catherine Poole: Color, Disease and EFT]
Your body knows what colors you need to improve and balance your emotional state. Color is not simply a pleasurable aesthetic experience. Color is energy and our bodies are energy. Color does not solely exist in order to make our world look pretty. Color vibrates, is energy, and it gives us energy and can help with our moods. Color influences each of us physically as well as psychologically and emotionally. Color is associated with specific qualities and certain colors can be used to promote certain abilities.
Every color projects a mood because each color effects certain emotions and certain centers of energy in your body, and also influence certain organs and functions. I taught color theory and human response to color for many years and was a professor at the University of Notre Dame from 1991-2001. I now use my research and knowledge to help clients, doctors and their patients understand color, energy, health and attitude. As a medical intuitive, my work is similar to how a criminal profiler works with police, I help clients understand WHAT their body is communicating and how to listen, understand and heal. Color is a vital factor in the healing process. Color can provide you with energy, healing opportunities and insight into your life.
Red symbolizes raw human emotions therefore sex, drugs and rock & roll! It is unpredictable, intense and can be associated with fear and control. It stimulates the release of adrenaline into the blood stream. Red is associated with all body parts involving solids. Bones, muscles, teeth, and organs dealing with solid waste (large intestine and colon) are all associated with base or red energy.
- Provides strength, stamina, energy and can indicate one to “stop” and make a choice.
- Loosens muscles, relieves joint pain
- Aids in reconditioning paralyzed muscles, great for physical therapy.
- Helps with circulation
- Beneficial to people that chill or catch colds easily
Orange influences areas of your body dealing with fluid/water such as kidneys, lymphatic system, blood, even menstrual flow and reproductive areas. Orange also represents emotions and creativity, promotes a happy outlook, so it helps with issues of sadness.
Bring on the orange when:
- you need to speed things up
- you need to initiate interest in what is going on around you
- you need to stop taking yourself too seriously
- you are afraid to enjoy yourself (sexually)
- you can’t let go of your past (“what if’s” or “if I had only’s”)*
Yellow represents your sense of self. Yellow influences areas of your body that burn energy, such as stomach, pancreas, small intestine and any organs which deal with metabolizing food. Yellow promotes healthy self-image, and supports ego. Yellow stimulates thinking and supports the quest for knowledge.
Bring on the yellow when:
- there’s confusion or indecision
- there is a tendency to SAD in dull weather
- dieting
- there is nervous exhaustion, “burn out” panic attacks‚ – boost a weak, confused immune system
Many associate the color pink or red with love. However, it is actually green which emanates love. Green represents teaching and relationships. Green assists us in relating to our environment, our relationships with ourselves or others, and with our spiritual source. Green influences areas of your body dealing with air, control and nurturing such as lungs, heart and breasts. I do not encourage wearing a lot of green when healing from cancer, blue is more beneficial, although green holds the self-esteem qualities of yellow and the healing qualities of blue, green can promote growth, so use it in balance, but not extensively.
Bring on the green when:
- you’re feeling restricted
- you need change but fear the unknown
- there is a need for new ideas
- you would like to break habits or patterns
- you need balance
The throat center is your center of communication. Truth, loyalty, honesty are all represented by the color blue. Blue influences areas of your body that address communication, such as the throat, ears and even hands. Blue is calming and healing. I often recommend those healing from breast cancer wear blue bras, but also wear a blue stone or necklace which helps enhance the healing process.
Bring on the blue when:
- Blue is the OPTIMUM healing color! When healing, wear blue, envision blue.
- You want to calm agitated, excitable, or chaotic states
- You want to communicate clearly
- You are looking for peace, detachment, solitude and rest
Violet is the color of intuition and integration of ideas. It is associated with eyes and your sinuses. It combines the healing, calming qualities of blue and the energy of red, therefore it helps in balancing your life.
Bring on the violet when:
- You want to speed up natural healing of the body
- You want to calm hyperactivity or energize lethargy or depression
- You want to remove obstacles from your life
- You want to stimulate your imagination in positive ways
Indigo holds more healing qualities of blue, whereas violet has a tendency toward red.
Bring on the indigo when:
- A need to focus on personal issues, beliefs and ideas
- A need to cool and quiet normal mental processes
- A need to relieve physical, mental and emotional pain
- A need for temporary relief of everyday
- A need for space and solitude
White is all colors and when added to create pastels, white brings a sense of calming. The addition of white promotes a “higher” quality of the color from which it originates. Pink, for example is nurturing and spiritual because it takes the passion and energy of red and calms it down to the nurturing qualities of pink.
Black is what I refer to as a magnifier. Those trying to intimidate by wearing all black are really communicating they need direction! Black magnifies any adjacent color Black absorbs color and is easily influenced. If you need benefits of a color but do not want to be decked out in red or yellow, wear black and accent with the color you feel you need. Let black do the work for you and take the color healing and color energy to the place on your body that needs it most! This can be done with jewelry, a scarf, a belt or a shirt or sweater.
Accenting with a color can bring in a mood or certain direction into your life. If you are depressed, buy an orange mouse pad or placemats. Drink from a green coffee mug if you do not like who you are at the moment! (“I love me” is a great corresponding affirmation with green.) You can change the entire energy of a room by painting a corresponding stripe on the wall or changing the throw rugs or accent pillows. It does not have to be a complete renovation. But again ask yourself what you need to bring into your life and work with the corresponding color. What was going on in your life when you decided to paint your bedroom?, bought a new shirts? or introduced a new color in your life? You can better understand what is happening and what energy you need by comparing color to what is occurring in their life. Chances are you need the energy of that color to help you heal and move forward.
- Would you like to have a version of this audio you can download, burn to a CD or load on your mp3 player? Buy it here
Wow, the color cleanse felt very good. My next paycheck, I will defnitely get a copy to use at home, as well at some of the other cd’s you have available. This is subtle and yet very grounding and physical. Thank you so much!
Very relaxing and de-stressing! Always makes me feel better. I really enjoy this one. Thanks.
Thank you. I feel as though I have more “life” coursing through me, even extending out from my body. :-)