While past choices may have contributed to your present, they do not mean that what comes next is predetermined.
It is all too easy to feel trapped by both past choices and your current situation BUT they do not define who we are or who we can choose to be.
In this short tapping audio we place ourselves at a fresh starting point. This audio is lifted directly from a client session, with my client’s permission. I have also edited out my client’s voice so that you can tap along as if you are working one-on-one with me.
This is the perfect type of audio to use to start your day! Try using it daily for a week or two and see what shifts you notice.
You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.
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These three podcasts won’t play – the message reads, “video can’ play because the file is corrupt.”
I can’t seem to duplicate the problem on my end. Everything is working fine here.
Is anyone else having the same problems?
What OS and browser are you using?
This and the other podcasts are operating very well. I use WindowsXP and Google Chrome. I listen to them soon as I see them in my inbox. I download them to listen later also. Tapping along with you has made a very positive difference in my life. I listen to free morning and free night most everyday since I got an mp3 player about 6 months ago. They set the tone for the day and night for me. Thanks so much Gene. So glad I found you. Jan
same problem here
I was able to play it just fine. I love it! Thank you!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you a creative, prosperous new year, full of tenderness given and received.
Thank you so much for every thing that you do to help all of us.
these 3 tappings are to the point and powerfuly useful.
I wish you happy days in Brooklyn from normandy- France.
Rnée Robertson.
Wonderful tapping session! I played it three times. Thanks so much for all three sessions in this series (special podcasts #34, #35, #36). And thank you once again for the great work you are doing.