Tapping for negative past experiences is often the easiest kind of tapping because we know the details of the past experience. While tapping we have the opportunity to state exactly what happened, how we interpret those events, how we felt about them back then, and how we feel now.
No matter how long we have to tap to find relief, the tapping itself is straightforward.
Tapping for the emotion of dread can be much less straightforward. Dread is a worry about the future and, since the future is unknown, it is much harder to find specific details to tap for.
Here is a tap-along audio and tapping script to help you to tap for dread. I recorded the audio while I was in the grip of feeling dread myself, so you have the opportunity to experience the way I tap when dealing with an issue firsthand.
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There is a deep feeling of dread…That is encompassing my entire body…Because it is dread there is no specific focal point…There’s no specific place that lives in my body…There is no epicenter to the pain…Even when I have a sense with the dread is and what it is about I don’t know what that is in detail…Which makes tapping for this emotion really hard…I give myself permission to know that it is okay to tap…It is effective to tap…Even when I don’t know exactly what I’m focusing on…Because of what is going on around me and because of the things outside of my control…My system is feeling a sense of dread…It’s feeling a sense of hopelessness…Things are bad…Or are going to continue to be bad…Or are going to get worse…I appreciate the fact of my system is pointing this out…I am fully aware of what is going wrong…I am fully aware of what might go wrong…My system has done its job…I give the dread permission to release…Because I am aware of what it is trying to point out…Letting go of the dread is not saying the current situation is okay…Letting go of the dread is not me giving up my power to take action…Letting go of the dread he’s not giving up…Instead by releasing the dread it puts me in a position to take action…It puts me in a position to move forward…It allows me to regain my control…Not control over everything…But control over me…Control over the small actions I can take…Control over the kindness that I can share…Control over being able to be present in this moment…Not ignoring what is going on…But instead not being debilitated by what is going on…Even when it feels hopeless…Even when it feels overwhelming…I give myself permission to allow myself to move forward…In This Moment, being a positive agent of change…That does not mean it is easy…That does not mean it is fun…That does not mean it is pain-free…It means that I am in a situation where I can control this moment in controlling how I respond…I am glad my system is recognizing things that are troubling…I appreciate my systems pointing out things that are difficult for my system to overcome the dread has done its job…It can release…It can let go…So I can move forward.
Thanks Gene, timely – what came up for me as I borrowed benefits from your work is that if I release this ‘dread’ then I will be ‘doing nothing’. As I tapped on that aspect, I experienced ‘shame’ and ‘powerlessness’ and a ‘craving to run away from the tapping process’. As those began to resolve, the more empowering cognitive reframes began to land and I recognized some actions that I could take that I believe will contribute in a positive way.