Embarking on a creative endeavor, whether for our personal or professional lives, can feel daunting.
We struggle with creativity because:
- We want the ideas to emerge fully formed
- We are worried that our efforts will be judged harshly by others
- We are concerned about wasting time and not coming up with anything good
- We don’t know where to start so it feels like a waste of time and energy even to try
Because we don’t want the process to go badly, we simply don’t start (think of staring at a blank Word document and being taunted by that blinking cursor!).
This tap-along audio (with script below) will help you to clear the emotional blocks holding you back from creative endeavours. Take a few moments to tap through this audio (or script) before brainstorming or working on a task that requires creativity and you will find your flow much more easily.
There is a part of me that wants to do this task successfully..But there is also a part of me feeling resistance…There’s a part of me avoiding taking action…It is doing this to keep me safe…It is doing this to avoid danger…On the surface I know how silly that sounds…Being creative is not dangerous…But this part of me is worried…It is worried that I will waste my time…It is worried that I won’t come up with good ideas…It is worried that others will judge my ideas…It is worried that whatever I come up with isn’t going to be good enough…This is going to be a giant waste of time and effort…I appreciate this worry…Because worry comes with the creative process…The creative process is uncertain…The creative process is full of unknowns…The creative process is full of bad ideas…The creative process is full of half ideas…I don’t want to waste my time with those…I know what it feels like to get this right…I know what it feels like to have this completed…But that feels so far away…That feels so impossible in this moment…I give myself permission to recognize the fact that creativity is a process…Ideas are not going to spring from my head fully formed…It will take a little time…It will take a little effort…For me to find my way to the ideas that work for me…No one has to see the ideas that I come up with first…Unless I decide to share them…It’s OK if they are half ideas…It’s OK if they are incomplete ideas…It’s even OK if they are bad ideas…Because no one is ever going to see them unless I decide to share them…So the process is safe…It doesn’t have to be perfect…Many of the ideas I come up with might be seeds of much better ideas…I might not have those much better ideas right away…But I know spending time with the process will lead to what I need…It is OK if it takes time…It is OK if it slowly unfolds…It is even OK for me to spend time on this problem right now and not come up with a useful answer…There will be times when the creative process will involve me working through the least useful ideas first…That’s OK…Because that is the process…I give myself permission to be easy with myself as I give myself the space to come up with ideas that are useful…I give myself permission to trust myself in this process…Knowing that good and useful ideas will come…If I give myself the space and time that I need…I will come up with ideas that are so good that they surprise even me.
I’m thrilled I discovered you’re tapping treasure trove. Thank you.