It happens all the time. You know how to do something. You might have done it a ton of times before. But the moment you step in front of someone else and have to do it you freeze.
You might be before a whole group of people, like giving a presentation, or just in front of one person, like in a job interview. You get tense. And sweaty. You can’t remember what to say or do. You might even shake.
Things that usually come easily to us are suddenly really difficult when others are watching us.
In this interview with Gina Parris we talk about performance anxiety and how you can use what Gina calls “3 R” to move past it.
![]() Gina Parris |
Guest: Gina Parris
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About Gina: Gina Parris is a speaker and performance coach. She works with competitors who want to play at their peak under any pressure. Gina is an expert on overcoming performance anxiety – whether in your most public performance or in your most “intimate” game. Gina has been a practitioner of EFT since 2004.
[Note: As we talked about in this interview there are lots of reasons why we can be worried when we are taking action. If you are finding that anxiety is holding you back for taking action I would encourage you to check out the Ruach Center. There are over 160 tap-along audios that are designed to help you get out of your own way and take the action you want.]
Thanks Gene, Great interview and I love the way you distinguish the information that our emotions is telling us. Very helpful!