I asked a bunch of my favorite tappers what mistakes beginners and pros make when tapping. Today I have their response to the question “What have you found to be the most successful approaches to EFT”?
Jade Barbee – emotionalengine.com
- Using specific strategies to tap on the discomfort of change.
- Addressing past events in detail, one intense aspect at a time (personal peace journal).
- Addressing limiting beliefs and the consequences of changing them.
Jondi Whitis – eft4results.com
- Agreeing to meet the person wherever they are and patiently walk beside them.
- Breathing hope into them as you patiently wade through the specific events that hold these beliefs in place.
Ilana – positive-eft.com
- Covering as many aspects of the same thing not in the usual way only but covering all senses.
Ann Ross – eftuk.net
- Deep respect for the client, whatever the problem.
- A quiet loving energetic space within.
- Being open to miracles – always – and not expecting or anticipating them.
- A deep intimacy/acceptance of the client and yourself.
Ange Finn – TapIntoYourself.com
- I like combining tapping with guided imagery exercises to elicit more right–brained images and information. They can be quite powerful in combination and allow for a lot of creativity for the practitioner.
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master – ProEFT.com
- Being flexible, listening to your intuition, having the intention clear about your outcome and remaining open–minded.
- It also helps to continue to grow and learn. Tapping is an ever-evolving art and will hopefully remain that way. Sometimes people want things to stay the same…and that’s not always a good thing. If we are going to continue being successful, we need to allow ourselves to change, grow and evolve; personally and professionally.
Alina Frank — tapyourpower.net
- The most successful EFT is EFT that is done thoroughly and tested exceedingly well. I also use my own Holographic EFT which assumes that everything and everyone is an illusion of my creation which I am responsible for. Matrix Reimprinting has also changed my practice and I teach it to my students because I feel strongly that no EFT education is complete without it.
Sherrie Rice Smith – EFTUniverse.com
- When I tap with clients who are literally loaded with problems, I’ve had the most success, and this can be controversial, too, when I really exaggerate the issues. Many times they will cry, but it is for only perhaps 30 seconds, then the relief floods in. I’m not afraid to say what I intuitively get that they are thinking or have never admitted to another soul on earth! i.e. “I killed that baby” if I’m tapping with a client guilt laden from an abortion 30 years previously. If they feel guilt, it’s usually because they are thinking that exact thought. Most admit to me that it is the thought going through their heads.
Colleen Flanagan – EmoRescue.com
- Clearing all aspects of fear as core issues for unwanted physical, emotional, financial and mental conditions.
- Continual tapping whilst accepting and flowing with whatever comes, thoughts or feelings, without trying to change them, and following wherever that leads.
- Combining tapping with other ways of shifting energy and emotion, and other Energy Techniques.
Rod Sherwin – tap4health.com
- Match the clients language, their sensory representation, their metaphors and even their speed of tapping. Also, use questions when tapping to allow the mind to fill in the answers.
Pamela Bruner – MakeYourSuccessEasy.com
- Longer IS better – there is a huge difference in 10 min vs 30 min. If you really need to reduce a charge in order to see new possibilities, don’t give up too soon.
Andy Hunt – practicalwellbeing.co.uk
- I think a willingness to be open to your experience without fear or favour as you tap on what is going on. This requires quite a lot of humility as a lot of what turns up (at least in my experience) is not very edifying.
- Persistence and a willingness to pursue the SUDs score down to zero, some of the most important stuff is often hidden between 2 and 0.
Gene, Great to see all the responses. When you linked to it, I thought you were asking us and I came up with totally different thoughts. Guess it depends on the day! Thanks for making this happen :)