I don’t know about you, but I constantly find myself answering questions about EFT and tapping. It is great that we can draw from on personal experience (and the experience of those with whom we work) when sharing about tapping, but in many cases this is not enough. It is useful to have structured, peer-reviewed scientific studies to build the wall of proof that so many are looking for.
To that end I have something in two parts that will help you respond to people who are looking for scientific proof about tapping and EFT. First, I have an interview with Dawson Church, PhD about completed research studies, on-going research studies, and planned research studies. Second, I have a summary of many of the recent studies to make it easier for you to talk about them.
Part 1: Interview with Dawson Church
![]() Brad Yates |
Guest: Dawson Church, Ph.D
Contact: web @ EFTUniverse.com
Bio: Dawson Church is the author/coauthor of 8 books (including The Genie In Your Genes) and manages the web site EFTUniverse.com. He travels the world as a trainer and speaker. His passion is tapping and getting tapping into the hands of those who could benefit most from its power.
Part 2: Tapping/EFT Research Summary
A complete and regularly updated list of the latest research can be found @ http://bit.ly/EFTResearch
Support the on going research to demonstrate the efficacy of Tapping/EFT @ Soul Medicine Institute/
“While many important EFT research questions remain to be answered, a great deal of groundwork is already in place: EFT has been researched in more than 7 countries, by more than 60 investigators, whose results have been published in more than 15 different peer-reviewed journals. These include distinguished top-tier journals such as Journal of Clinical Psychology, the APA journals Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training and Review of General Psychology, and the oldest psychiatric journal in the US, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. EFT research includes investigators affiliated with many different institutions. In the US, these range from Harvard Medical School, to the University of California at Berkeley, to City University of New York, to Walter Reed Army Medical Center (USUHS), to Texas A&M University. Institutions in other countries whose faculty have contributed to EFT research include Lund University (Sweden), Ankara University (Turkey), Santo Tomas University (Philippines), Lister Hospital (England), Cesar Vallejo University (Peru), and Griffith University (Australia). The wide variety of institutions, peer-reviewed journals, investigators, and settings that have, in independent research, found EFT to be efficacious, are one indication of the breadth of existing research results.” EFTUnivers.com
Below are highlights of some of the outcomes of the studies:
Efficacy of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety – EFT show to greatly reduce anxiety in all areas for those who used EFT.
The Effect of a Brief EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Self-Intervention on Anxiety, Depression, Pain and Cravings in Healthcare Workers – Significant improvements were found on all distress subscales and ratings of pain, emotional distress, and cravings at posttest.
Psychological Symptom Change in Veterans After Six Sessions of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – Symptom severity decreased significantly by 40%, anxiety decreased 46%, depression 49%, and PTSD 50%. These gains were maintained at the 90-day follow-up.
Self-administered EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in Individuals with Fibromyalgia – Pain catastrophizing measures, such as rumination, magnification and helplessness, were significantly reduced, and the activity level was significantly increased.
EFT, WHEE, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Treatment of Test Anxiety in University Students – 2 session of EFT or WHEE produced the same results as 5 session of CBT. EFT and WHEE students successfully transferred their self-treatment skills to other stressful areas of their lives.
Brief Group Intervention Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for Depression in College Students – The EFT group had significantly less depression than the control group at posttest, scoring in the “non-depressed” range.
Psychological and Physiological Symptoms of Psoriasis After Group EFT Treatment – Participants experienced significant improvement in functioning and psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms. Relief was often immediate and sustained, and improved over time (1 and 3 months).
Great stuff! I can’t wait to lengthen my telemores!
Hi Gene,
Thanks for compiling this research! As a psychologist I’m just getting into tapping and with all the crap that has been heaped on EFT practitioners it’s really good to have the evidence to share with people who are skeptical. Thanks for your great work! Keep it up!