Tapping can be used in lots of different ways. One way we can use it is to tap before we eat to promote better digestion, more enjoyment of our food, and a great sense of gratitude. In this short video I explain how to use tapping before we eat.
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Video Transcript
Hi! This is Gene Monterastell, the Editor of TappingQandA.com and welcome to another Tapping Ninja video. We call them Tapping Ninja because they’re like a ninja strike. They’re super powerful but they’re really short and sweet so you can add this to your tapping routine and make a huge difference right away.
Today, what I’d like to talk about is three different ways that we can tap when we approach the food that we eat. Now, when it comes to tapping for food, I like to do this in three parts. Number one, I’ll take the food, I’ll stare at it. I’m going to simply move through the tapping points. I’m just going to concentrate on the food. I’m going to notice what’s on my plate and what we found is that this is a really effective way to clear any sort of energetic substance sensitivity you have for what you’re about to consume.
And the nice thing about doing it by staring at the food you’re about to eat is, you don’t have to know everything that is on the plate to be able to tap for it. Your system is completely tuned into what’s there because it’s now in front of you and when you tap on it, you’re going to find your way to creating some clearing so that as you consume the food, the system is not going to overreact to what it’s ingesting.
Number 2, I like to tap in a way where naming the intention that I have for the food that’s in front of me. For me it’s a simple as this. I’ll just tap on the side of the hand then I’ll say, may this food feed my dreams and my hopes and not feed any of my worries and fears. It’s a really simple statement but what it does is it just helps to get my entire system on board for what’s about to happen. I want this to nourish me. I want it to help me to move forward. But I only want to do it to the things that are beneficial to me.
Finally, I like to do a round of thanksgiving tapping. And you can do this for anything but I like to do it on food in front of me because all things that are seen is gift, are seen in His creator. So by simply taking a few moments and tapping on the fact that we appreciate that we have food before us, that we get a choice of food, that many had a hand in bringing it to us and its going to allow us to move forward and will change our disposition about what’s in front of us. We’re not going to consume it super quick without thinking about it. We’re more likely to savor it and it will change our disposition about the food. And anytime we think of things in terms of thanksgiving, it’s going to position us so that we’re in a better mood to move into our day or anything that comes after that and beyond.
So three simple things, one, just stare at the food, notice what’s on your plate and move to the tapping routine. Two, name what you’d like the food to feed. And three, give thanks for the fact that it’s there. If you do these three things before a meal, you’re going to find the meal much more enjoyable and much healthier.
For Tapping Q and A, I’m Gene Monterastelli. Make sure you visit TappingQandA.com/video to check out all our free instructional videos and check out the site for all of the other amazing free resources.
I really like that- very good idea- besides I love the music you have for the videos- what is it?
have a great day .) taptap tap
I love this idea and will put it into action at my next meal with the good notes that I took! Thanks Gene!
I love it! What a great idea! Have been doing it for the last few days and my relationship to food has completely changed already! Thanks!