Sometimes when we tap we are able to reduce our SUDs level down to less than a two, or to the point where it feels like just a shadow of the issue. When this happens there is a very simple way to knock out that last little bit. In this video I explain how to do this.
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Video Transcript
Hi! This is Gene Monterastelli, the Editor of and welcome to another Tapping Ninja video. We call them tapping ninja because these are super simple, super quick techniques that you can use to cut to the chase and improve your tapping right away.
Today what I’d like to talk about is the collarbone eye-roll. Now if you spent time looking at the early, early EFT videos produced by Gary Craig you saw a much more complicated tapping procedure than most of us are used to today. That there was a gamut procedure where we’re tapping in the back of our hand and doing a number of things with our eyes and humming and counting. We used many more points.
And as time has gone, what many practitioners have learned is that we can shorten the protocol, and shorten the protocol and just use the basic points in the body and make lots of progress. But because of this, I think something really important has been lost and that’s the collarbone eye-roll.
Now to do it, all you need to do is three simple things all at once. Number one, you tune in to the issue at hand like you’re used to doing. Number two, you’re just going to tap on the collarbone point. And number three, what you’re going to do is you’re going to hold your head straight but you’re going to roll your eyes from floor to ceiling, roll your eyes from floor to ceiling just like that.
Now, the time we use the collarbone eye-roll is when we have an issue and we’ve gotten the SUDs level to a two or less. So there’s just a little wisp, a little remaining shadow of the issue at hand. Because often times it will feel like it’s gone but for some reason there’s a little space where it was there. This is a perfect time for the collarbone eye-roll.
So, after you’ve been tapping on an issue for a while, you’ve got it reduced to a two or less where it feels like it’s gone but there’s something hanging around. Just take a few moments to do the collarbone eye-roll. Tune in to the issue. Tap on the collarbone and roll your eyes from floor to ceiling two or three times. And then take a moment and retune in to see what’s there. And I’ve found this to be a really helpful, really powerful way to put yourself in a circumstance where you’re going to knock out that last little bit. So, the next time you’re tapping, take a moment and try it out.
For Tapping Q and A, this is Gene Monterastelli. Make sure you go to to check out all of our instructional videos and see all the other great free resources we have.
Thank you Gene….this is a great reminder… The Collarbone Roll is back!
Simple and effective. Thanks for bringing it back.