There is a wealth of information in the tapping community. From time to time I ask practitioners I respect their thoughts on tapping, healing, and their work. (I “round up” their opinions.) This happens about once a month. You can read past round-ups.
If you would like to check out my answer to this question (and more) you can download “Recovering Self: A Healing Manifesto“. (For free w/o having to sign up for anything.)
If you were to start your own healing journey over again what would you do differently?
I would have liked to reach the understanding that lack of money is a symptom of something else sooner rather than later. I spent a lot of time and money trying to make more money when instead it would have been to understand what money meant to me and what the lack of it was protecting me from.
Rod Sherwin
“I’d start much earlier. My journey started because I became very ill and couldn’t breathe. To this day, it has never been successfully diagnosed, however, I have come to believe it’s emotionally based.
Thankfully, it led me into a spiritual journey that is ongoing to this day. It is that spiritual journey that changed my life dramatically and profoundly. I now use what I’ve learned over two decades to help others in their healing journey and it seems to work quite well.”
Ted Robinson
Not a thing, I’m content with the process.
Pamela Bruner
All the steps I took were necessary. I’m not sure there could have been a better way. I can say that many times during this process, I might have disagreed with that statement.
Chip Engelmann
Get help! I did it all alone, but it wasn’t until I became a qualified practitioner that I realized it is better to work with someone else for the big stuff. For example don’t try to sort out your phobia or a past trauma alone. It’s not worth it, you could bite off more than you can chew AND it will probably take months for you do to it alone when it could be sorted in a couple of sessions by a qualified practitioner.
NOTHING…I had to bite the dust of my own pride and prejudice before I could see the path that I am on right now. I do not think that it would have been possible any other way. I would not change a thing.
Till Schilling
How would you answer this questions? Let us know!
Message back to Rod: Wow. “Nuff said. Thanks!
I love your podcasts(I think that’s what you call them).I’m not as computer savvy as I’d like–being what is called one of the elders, so I don’t get them recorded as I wish I ccould. But you do a wonderful job.Sherry Sheldon