There are few things more emotionally charged than money. Often one of the reasons we talk in terms of abundance and success is because we don’t even want to say “I want money” or “I want cash” out loud. In this pragmatic interview with Margaret Lynch shares the four areas of money that we can tune into and start clearing issues right away.
![]() Margaret M. Lynch |
Guest: Margaret M. Lynch
Contact Info:
Bio: The Wall Street Journal Calls her “The Wealth Manifestation Authority”! Margaret M. Lynch has x-ray vision for seeing the fears and limiting beliefs that keep success minded people limited in their money and personal power. An accomplished Success Coach, bestselling author and top Emotional Freedom Technique (“Tapping”) expert , Margaret delivers high-impact transformation that clears the inner blocks to wealth and success and creates the “on-fire enthusiasm and charisma” that is key to skyrocketing wealth.
From Episode:
Spot on!
Thank you Gene and Margret.
Shine On, K
Wow….what a great interview…I love how Margaret broke down the 4 areas ..what was exciting for me was to see that I had big strengths in 2 or the 4…I feel less overwhelmed….I like how Gene zero’s in on how to get started..thanks guys! Linda Fialkoff
I never realized I had so many negative feelings about money and rich people until I listened to this podcast! I am tapping now to release these biases and open myself up to embracing a better cash flow in 2011. Thanks, Donna