I know creating free content is a great way to show your competence and experience as a practitioner. You create so much stuff for your site and other sites. I would love to start to write stuff about tapping but don’t know where to begin. How do you come up with ideas, and what is your process for writing?
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In part 1 of this series we looked at things to keep in mind before starting. Now that you are a little more comfortable with knowing you don’t have to do everything all at once, let’s take a look at the different types of articles you can write.
[Once published all three parts of this series can be found @ content creation series]
Here is an incomplete list of the types of articles you could write.
Question and Answer
I obviously have a soft spot for this type of article because it is where I got my writing start when it comes to the topic of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/tapping.
The reason this is a great place to start is because you are already doing this. When you talk about tapping, people are asking you questions. You are better at answering questions than you think.
There are a number of advantages to a Q and A article.
First, it helps you to focus. When we are answering a question, the agenda and direction of the article is set for us. We are just filling in the gaps of the missing information.
Second, the reader knows where it is going. When we start with a question it becomes very clear what the goal of the article is and a reader knows if it is for them or not.
Third, it is easier to begin. Often times I have a hard time writing the opening paragraph or two of an article. I know what the meat of the article is going to be, but I don’t know how to get there. When you start with a question you don’t have to spend a great deal of time getting to the topic. You can just start with the information you know.
There are a number of ways to come up with questions:
- What questions do you get the most frequently from people you are talking about tapping with? If you are getting the question a lot, then you know there is interest in the topic.
- What questions did you have about tapping? Explain what you learned. Telling our own story is a great way to get into explaining something.
- Is there a topic you want to write about but don’t know where to begin? Come up with a question that focuses you. Forty percent (40%) of the Q and A articles on this site are questions I make up just to focus my writing.
- Look at the forums and comment sections of other websites. Even if those aren’t questions that have been posed directly to you, they obviously are questions that people have. Visit the EFT forum and in 10 minutes you will find four or five topics that you could write about.
Response Articles
Another very easy way to start writing is to respond to what someone else had written. You can either respond to an article as a whole or you can break it down into parts to explain how you see the issue.
For example, in The Growing Up Method I took a three-step process created by Natalie Hill and gave my take on each of the three steps. My goal was to take something that I thought was really well explained and add my own insights to what she presented.
In Past, Present, Future Daimon Sweeny writes a very nice reflection on a very short podcast I recorded. I’m sure his process was nothing more than, “Hey this is kind of interesting, but I also think this…”
Case Studies
A case study is nothing more than explaining
- What issue a client or friend came to you with
- How you responded
- Why you did what you did
- What the results were
This is one of the easiest types of articles because you are just retelling what happened.
Here is a shorter and longer examples of this type of article.
Tapping Scripts
Everyone loves tapping scripts. One of the most overwhelming parts of tapping for beginners is knowing what to say when they are tapping. Not only are you making it easier for someone to work with their issue when you create a tapping script for them, but you are also training them to do this on their own.
When we are working with clients the words just seem to come. Right after a session, take a few moments to write down some of the tapping scripts you just used. I have gotten to the point where I can write a script in under 10 minutes.
Even if you have nothing else on your site, a new tapping script once a week will be very valuable to readers that will keep them coming back for more.
So, these are just a few types of articles you can write. In Part 3 we are going to look at starting the writing process.
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