One of the things I love about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is how flexible the tool set is. Not only is it a great stand-alone tool, but it is something that can be used with lots of other tools. In this interview I talk with Betty Moore-Hafter about the lessons she has learned from other tool sets and how you can easily add them into your own tapping. This is easy stuff that anyone can do.
![]() Betty Moore-Hafter |
Guest: Betty Moore-Hafter
Contact: web @; phone 802-860-7286; twitter @creativeeft
About Betty: Betty has been certified as a hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and certified as a regression therapist through the International Board of Regression Therapy (IBRT). She holds special certifications in Past Life Regression (from Dr. Brian Weiss), Medical Hypnotherapy, Emergency Hypnosis, Reiki, Psychosynthesis (Levels I & II), and Spirit Releasement Therapy. She has completed the extensive Training Videos for EFT proficiency and also has some unique EFT experiences in her credentials. She holds the EFT Cert-1 Certification. Betty is also part of the leadership team that manages EFT Free Net.
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