Carrying an emotional burden for someone else is a very high act of love, but it can have consequences for our own emotions and health. In this episode we look at how and why we carry burdens for others and past generations, and how we can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/tapping to release these burdens.
This was so excellent, Gene…I know that I carry the burdens of the people that I care for, and especially those who I tap with…I took good notes here, and will apply this tapping idea every night before I sleep.
Thanks again!
Hi Gene,
Well, i second what Ruth said – I’ve always known that, probably from day 1, I’ve been carrying others burden’s – both generational and otherwise. I’m a of the “sensitive” temperament (per Rue Hass) which doesn’t help…in all my years and years of reading and listening and searching this the first – the FIRST!!!! time I’ve heard this addressed in such an eloquent, nail-on-the-head kind of way…I’ve been waiting my whole life for this! I know it sounds a little silly but it’s true. Of course the whole idea wasn’t something I was consciously aware of until i was an adult, but i still didn’t know what to do about it…it’s only become more challenging as I’ve begun work as an EFT practitioner. Even a mentor of mine had little advice re: “discharging” or getting rid of other’s “stuff,” all he could offer was a “brush off” and/or shower. Needless to say showering all day isn’t practical. And, even with the brush off, I was still often left wallowing in their stuff – and regardless it did nothing to deal with the generational stuff that’s been there since birth and childhood. As I listened to this podcast (and the perfect compliment, Energy Hygiene), everything you said resonated so deeply…then, once i started the tapping routine, the floodgates just opened. I cried for at least 10 minutes…tears of profound relief and gratitude as much as anything else. I need to do much more of this – MUCH more. As “simple” as it is, it never occurred to me before, and has never been presented in any forum that I’ve ever accessed. Huge, major, heaps of thanks, SO MUCH. I feel like it was made just for me.